BC Kids 3 Spring Term 2016

Accesează informațiile de mai jos pentru a sprijini procesul de învățare al copilului tău și acasă, pe perioada semestrului 2 al cursului Primary Infants 3. Cea mai mare parte din conținut este în limba engleză, pentru a asigura continuitatea procesului de învățare și acasă.

Capitolul 6: Just for fun!


  • hobbies and sports vocabulary
  • likes and dislikes
  • days of the week
  • weekly routines


  • asking and answering 'Do you like (swimming)?' 'Yes, I do.' 'No, I don't.' 'I like (playing football).'
  • saying 'I (do my homework) on (Mondays).'


  • Ask your child what free time activities they like, love and don't like doing.
  • Ask your child to talk about their week and what activities they regularly do on different days. 
  • Read the story Just for fun! on page 40 of the class book.


Today is Monday song

Days of the week hangman game

Days and months paint the words game

Sports paint the words game

Sports mixer game

Like +ing games

Free time activities flashcards (use these to play card games)

Oxford Owl stories

Wordsgamessongs and story from the Happy Street 2 website for unit 6

Capitolul 7: People at work

În acest capitol copiii vor învăța:

  • jobs vocabulary
  • present simple to describe what people do for their jobs
  • telling the time: quarter past / half past / quarter to

Vor practica:

  • saying what people do for their job: 'She's a doctor. She helps sick people.'
  • telling the time with quarter past / half past / quarter to

Poți repeta cu cel mic acasă în diferite moduri:

  • Ask your child what they want to be when they grow up and why.
  • Ask your child about what time they do different things every day. 
  • Read the story People at work on page 48 of the class book.

Încearcă aceste link-uri:

People work song

What will I be when I grow up story

The super jobs story

Jobs find the pairs game

Jobs quiz

Jobs flashcards (use these to play card games)

Oxford Owl stories

Wordsgamessongs and story from the Happy Street 2 website for unit 7

Capitolul 8: What's the weather like?

În acest capitol copiii vor învăța:

  • weather vocabulary
  • present continuous to say what people are doing at the present moment

Vor practica:

  • asking and answering "What's the weather like?" 
  • saying what people are wearing and doing: "I'm reading a book." "She's wearing red shoes."

Poți repeta cu cel mic acasă în diferite moduri:

  • Ask your child on various days what the weather is like. 
  • If possible, look out the window onto a street, or go to the park. Ask your child about the people they can see: "What's he/she wearing?" "What's he/she doing?"
  • Read the story What's the weather like? on page 56 of the class book.

Încearcă aceste link-uri:

Ali and the magic carpet story

What's the weather like? game

Weather maze game

Weather find the pairs game

Weather flashcards (use these to play card games)

Oxford Owl stories

Wordsgamessongs and story from the Happy Street 2 website for unit 8

Capitolul 9: What happened?

În acest capitol copiii vor învăța:

  • castle vocabulary
  • past simple (affirmative only)

Vor practica:

  • talking about castles
  • saying what they did in the past using was / were / wasn't / weren't / bought / had / liked / lived / loved / played / said / saw / went / won / wrote

Poți repeta cu cel mic acasă în diferite moduri:

  • Ask your child where different members of the family were at different times yesterday: "Where was your brother at six o'clock?" "Where were Grandma and Grandpa at nine o'clock?"
  • Ask your child to tell you one different thing they did each day last week. 
  • Read the story What happened? on page 64 of the class book.

Încearcă aceste link-uri:

Kitty's school day video

Past simple was/were games

Past simple endings games

Story maker activity

Oxford Owl stories

Wordsgamessongs and story from the Happy Street 2 website for unit 9