Vocational educational Resources

The British Council Skills for Employability team in Romania has been working in partnership with national government agencies, the educational sector and employers to boost the employability of tourism students through developing high quality, relevant training and qualifications and learning resources.

More details about the two local projects developed under the framework of Skills for Employability programme can be found below: 

1. New Skills for Jobs of the 21 century 

We work in partnership with the Ministry of National Education and the National Vocational Centre on the project New Skills for Jobs of the 21 century which focuses on the design of the competences framework, curriculum and classroom activities for agritourism and rural tourism classes in vocational schools. 

The project is developed by teachers in vocational schools, employers and representatives of institutions in the area of tourism. They worked under the guidance of a UK consultant and Romanian National Vocational Centre experts. The results of the project are widely disseminated among teachers, students and business representatives in Romania and other countries in Europe. 

You can access the instructional materials for agritourism and rural tourism.

2. English for Agritourism and Rural Tourism (EART)

This local project aims at improving the teaching and learning of English for agritourism and rural tourism, as a key competence for employability in the field. Teachers of English in vocational schools worked together with a UK consultant on a syllabus and classroom materials for English to complement the revised tourism curricula for this vocational domain.

If you want more information about New Skills for Jobs of the 21st century and English for Agritourism and Rural Tourism (EART), contact us.

Looking for more resources, you can also find details below about a completed project that provides relevant resources for technical vocational English teachers.

English for the World of Work (EWoW)

The project aimed to develop English language skills, methods and materials in technical vocational schools to support student-centred learning and increased awareness of the needs and demands of industry and other economic sectors. 

Provisions for the project include setting up a two-year optional class for students in grade 10 to be continued in grade 11. 

First year of the project

Students took a labour market research course based on curriculum framework, syllabus, student’s pack and teacher’s notes in order to identify the English language needs for the specific industry sector. Most of the research was conducted in the institutions with which the schools co-operate for students’ practical activities. The results of the research from schools and the final labour market research report were presented at the end of the first year. 

Second year of the project

The teachers worked with students on the curriculum framework and syllabus for designing classroom materials to reflect the language aspects they have identified. The student designed lessons within the project were presented at the end of year two of the project.

You can download the sample lessons and the full resources pack.

See also