Photo of a student planting a sapling with their teacher with green icons depicting Earth, a heart, shaking hands, quote marks and a seed

Climate change impacts us all, directly or indirectly, in myriad ways, but the actions each of us take can help build a better, greener future.

If you’re a teacher or librarian, inspire your students to understand the climate emergency and take positive action by joining the Climate Action in Education programme launching in 2022.

The programme, run by British Council Romania and supported by British Embassy Bucharest, builds on the Climate Connection education resources, aiming to raise awareness of climate change issues and provide teachers and students with tools to engage in effective climate action for a better future.

Registration deadline: 23 January 2022

By registering, you commit to successfully attending both parts of the programme: the teacher training “Climate Action in Education” and its practical component “Local Climate Action in Schools”, that requires you to apply with your students at least one activity learned in the training.

Climate Action in Education | Teacher Training

The “Climate Action in Education” training is a two-day free online teacher training programme designed to support your professional development while learning new ways to educate and inspire students to act on climate change.

Our experienced teacher trainers Teodora Naiba, Cristiana Oșan and Joanne Newton will provide you with tools, tips and guidance on integrating climate awareness and action into your classroom practice through the Climate Connection education resources developed by the British Council to support the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on Climate Action.

The training will take place online, in English, over the course of two days, according to the schedule below. The first training is scheduled for 28-29 January, with a rerun on 4-5 February. The January session is fully booked, but you can still save your spot for the 4-5 February training here

January session February session (rerun)
Friday, 28 January, 15.00 - 19.30 Friday, 4 February, 15.00 - 19.30
Saturday, 29 January, 09.00 - 13.30 Saturday, 5 February, 09.00 - 13.30

The full agenda and schedule will be available by end of January.

Attendance is free, but seats are limited. 

Save your seat now

Please note: Certificates of participation in the "Climate Action in Education" programme will be awarded to teachers who attend the training AND conduct at least one activity with their students.

Engage your students | Local Climate Action in Schools

Once you complete the "Climate Action in Education" training, you are invited to join the “Local Climate Action in Schools” initiative. This is the practical component of the training, where you will be required to use the Climate Connection materials from the training with your students.

Each participant will have to organise at least one activity with the students (online or face to face) between February-March 2022. Throughout this process, you will receive guidance from a Local Coordinator in our team.

Climate Action in Education: national competition

In April-May 2022, we will organise the follow-up "Climate Action in Education" national competition.

This is not a mandatory component of the programme, but any participant who wishes to engage students in a more substantial way is welcome to attend the competition.

Students will initiate and develop classroom projects in the field of environment protection or local action projects on environment in their communities. Throughout this process, you will receive guidance from a Local Coordinator of our team. We will provide examples of projects ideas but we welcome students’ ideas as well.

At the end of the programme, all students’ projects will be included in the Climate Action in Education national competition. We will offer prizes to the winning teams (1st, 2nd, 3rd prizes and honourable mentions) and students will be invited to present their projects in an online Awards Ceremony attended by representatives of the British Council and the British Embassy.

External links