Join us for the panel discussion “What are the consequences of partnership equality?” organised with the support of the British Embassy Bucharest and the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands, in partnership with ACCEPT during Bucharest PRIDE 2015.
The discussion will take place on Friday 22 May, at 15.00, at Cărturești Verona (13-15 Arthur Verona Street) in Bucharest and will be moderated by Mircea Toma from ActiveWatch. Panellists will include MEP Renate Weber and visiting members of the Swedish and Finnish Parliaments.
Please note that the discussion will take place in English and there will be no interpretation available.
The panel discussion will be followed by a reception.
Who can attend?
The event is open to everyone and it is subject to registration and the number of places available. In order to register, please send an e-mail to by 20 May, midday, with the following details:
- firstname
- lastname
- telephone number
Please make sure you bring your ID with you at the event.