Literary origami
Monday 30 October 2017 -
18:00 to 19:00

One of the reasons books are so incredible is the fact that they let us imagine everything we read. Take Dick King-Smith's "Sophie's snail" for example - we can easily imagine the farm animals, the barn, Sophie herself. But wouldn't it be even nicer to be able to see them? Join us on Monday 30 October, at 18:00, for the launch of this wonderful book - a brief reading will be accompanied by an origami workshop where children can create their own paper animals!

As the event coincides with Halloween, costumes are highly encouraged!

We invite all children aged between 5-8 to take part in this literary evening. The event, which will take place place in Romanian, is organised in partnership with our friends from Nemi Publishing House. 

To register, please send us an e-mail at, specifying the name and age of your little reader. 

See you @British!